Yoga to Invigorate Yourself - from your feet to your fingers Free workshop Saturday, May 1, 9:30 -10:45 am with Hector-Jairo Martinez Total newbies are encouraged!⠀ New to Adeline Yoga? We welcome you! In this free workshop we will introduce you to the invigorating practice of Iyengar Yoga. Specifically you will get to open a…
Iyengar Yoga FUNdamentals 6-week Course, May 8 - June 12 (Saturdays, 9:30 - 10:45 am PST) With Hector Martinez & Heather Haxo Phillips This fun six week course is specially designed for beginners. You will learn the foundations of Iyengar Yoga in a progressive way that supports your well being. Guided by expert teachers, this…
Somatic Particularity with Gwi-Seok Hong Saturday, May 8th 1 - 3:30 PM PST Iyengar Yoga recognizes asana itself as a gateway to transformation on all levels. Instead of being separate from the other limbs of yoga, asana is actually an entry point. Not only can we apply asana as a personal gateway to transformation, we…
The Next Generation of Iyengar Yoga Gwi-Seok Hong in conversation with Heather Haxo Phillips Saturday, May 8th 3:45 - 4:45 PM PST FREE Let’s talk about the role of Iyengar Yoga in our lives and in our communities, as it continues to evolve. How do we engage and inspire the next generation of practitioners and…
RESTORE & CELEBRATE A Benefit Class in Celebration Of Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Month Led by Sandy, May Mei, Ruchi, Swetha and Sachiko Saturday May 15, 2021 2 - 4:30 PM PST At some point or another, we all find ourselves in a state of sorrow, grief, rage, despair and uncertainty in life. We…
Caring for Your Back Pain Mondays 5:45 – 7:15 pm PST Starts May 17, 2021 with Sachiko Willis and Shari Ser This is a unique course offered in two parts that includes asana and anatomy. You may take one or both parts This course will be held live on zoom. PART 1: CARING FOR…
A Profoundly Healing & Useful Sequence for Iyengar Yoga practitioners (also known as the Post-Menstrual Practice though it is a WHOLE lot more) with Kelly Sobansky Open to all genders, whether or not you menstruate June 19 from 2 - 4:30 PST via zoom In this workshop, we will practice the post-menstrual sequence from Lois…
Celebrate Pride! Friday 5 pm PST with Hector Martinez Free Join us for a moment to celebrate community and each other! 45 minute yoga practice celebrating the embodiment as we are + 30 minutes of tea and no shade. All bodies welcome & celebrated. 60 minutes prior to class you will receive…
FLOWGA FEST! A weekend of yoga and flow arts workshops live on Zoom June 26th - 27th, 1 pm - 4:30 pm. Yoga classes, dragonstaff, juggling, and hula hoop workshops Whether you are new to yoga or flow arts or are an experienced practitioner, join us for a weekend of fun! All workshops are donation-based…
Welcome Back to In-Person Yogawith Heather Haxo Phillips July 2 - 4 Friday July 2: 4 - 6 pm Saturday July 3: 2 - 4 pm Sunday July 4: 2 - 4 pm Join Heather for very special 3-Day holiday weekend immersion Our first in-person program in more than a year! Each day we…
Yoga for Healthy Aging: Self Care. Stress Management. Community. A Three Month Immersion with Sarah Harvey, Sandy Carmellini, Deborah Saliby and Shari Ser An important part of aging well is the set of daily activities that nourishes you physically and emotionally. Harnessing yoga’s ancient wisdom is especially important right now because we live in a…
Holiday Weekend Immersion with Heather September 3 - 5, 2021 Friday September 3: 4 - 6 pm Saturday September 4th: 2 - 4:15 pm Sunday September 5th: 2 - 4:15 pm In-person at Adeline Yoga in Berkeley Join Heather for very special 3-Day holiday weekend immersion Each session we will have an energizing active…
Building the Foundation of Your Inversions with Deidra Demens Sunday August 15th from 1 - 3:30 pm PST Inversions give us the boost we need to continue on, if our energy is low or if we simply feel a little flat. These inversions - such as shoulderstand and headstand - benefit all the major systems…
Adeline Yoga is honored to welcome our teacher of teachers! Muscular Strength versus Functional Strength Saturday, August 21st 2 - 4:30 pm PST A Benefit Workshop for Adeline Yoga's Yoga Blessings Fund When I started teaching yoga many moons ago, Mr. Universe walked into my class. I saw all these muscles and I thought he…
Open to all yoga teachers and teachers-in-training Once a month Mondays 1 - 3 pm PST via zoom An intermediate/advanced practice class for teachers and teachers in-training: Hone your personal practice Learn how to better work with your personal conditions and needs. Gain insight into sequencing decisions and Iyengar yoga teaching approaches. Therapy techniques will…
Uplift & Refresh Yourself with the Power of Backbends Sunday, September 26th: 1 - 3:30 pm PST on Zoom with Anneke Faas Backbends open the body and create joy. As we exit the summer season and head into autumn, we will need to harness the capacity to keep our heads up and hearts open. Uplifting…
Monday, October 4th 7:30 pm PST The term "Yoga" has meant many things to many people - in ancient times as well as modern times. This FREE one-hour community conversation is designed to help you get a broader understanding of the term yoga. We will: Chat about the origins of the term, historically and philosophically…
Free workshop Sunday Morning with Tiffany Goss Total newbies are encouraged! New to Adeline Yoga? We welcome you! This is for people looking to get present and meet life’s challenges with confidence. Life in general - and this year specifically - is unpredictable and super challenging. While we can’t always control what happens and…
Wednesdays 5:45 – 7 pm PST starts October 13! This series will be held live-online via Zoom. This 3-session series is specially designed for beginners. You will learn the foundations of Iyengar Yoga to help you build strength and flexibility and relieve stress. This series is intended for students who want an understanding of the…
YOGA BINGO Practice, Play, Win! October 1 - 31st Open to new students & existing members It's free to participate - and we will bring the prizes! Yoga Bingo gives you the chance to experience more, learn more and grow more over a 30-day period. Whether you’re looking to develop your practice, start your…
Saturday Afternoon On Zoom In this workshop, we will experiment with the methods outlined by Prashant Iyengar in his book The Alpha and Omega of Trikonasana. Alpha & Omega of Trikonasana offers a unique way to approach your practice: “The asana does not merely remain an action but also becomes a ‘creation’ (p.8).” Kelly has…
Yoga for Life: 6-day asana & pranayama immersion with Anneke Faas and Sachiko Willis Explore the body and breath with seasonal yoga immersions Join us for the last immersion of 2021: Autumn Immersion: October 17 - 22, 2021 - “Quietude Within” Yoga immersions give a boost of inspiration and a new perspective for our practice…
Monday, October 25th 7:30 pm PST The Vagus Nerve is the link between our physiology, psychology and behavior. It literally directs our overall sense of well being! This cranial nerve carries both sensory and motor information through our body, helping us to understand where we are in space while also directing the organs and and somatic body…
Being together in-person and practicing in nature under the sky and beneath the trees can help rejuvenate our energies. If you're a Berkeley local and you want to practice with Anneke in person, then join her on Friday afternoons for a special limited-time pop-up series of outdoor yoga! These outdoor classes are for All Levels!…
Many Corpses...Many Savasanas A pop-up workshop to celebrate Halloween and Day of the Dead Saturday October 30th 2 - 4 pm PST / 5 - 7 pm EST on zoom There are a lot of reasons to play dead at this time of year. Savasana is the ultimate resting pose. Every part of our…
Yoga for All Bodies: Finding Ease in the Asana Practice and a Plus-Size Body Wednesdays Nov 3, 10 and 17th 5:45 - 7 pm PST on zoom Yoga is for EVERY body. Iyengar Yoga is great for larger bodied folks, as it offers plenty of options for every pose at an accessible pace. In this…
Saturday afternoon on Zoom Learn new ways to work with this fun and innovative prop! You will enjoy how the resistance and gravity-defying assistance of wall ropes can help you experience asana in a very different way. On a basic level, the ropes create space in the body and can help make poses more accessible. …
Adeline Yoga is honored to welcome our teacher of teachers! Saturday, November 13th : 2 - 4 pm PST on Zoom A Benefit Workshop for Adeline Yoga's Yoga Blessings Fund In Iyengar Yoga the chair is one of our most beloved props. There are many uses for a chair in Yoga: • makes Asana more…
Free workshop Sunday Morning 9:30 - 10:45 am PST on December 12 with Tiffany Goss on zoom Total newbies are encouraged! New to Adeline Yoga? We welcome you! This is for people looking to meet the opportunities and challenges of the holidays with confidence and ease. This season is pretty special, isn't it? …
Practicing for Pain Management A special workshop to understand the practicalities of managing pain Saturday December 18th 2 - 4 pm PST / 5 - 7 pm EST on zoom Yoga can help you manage and cope with chronic pain, whether it is consistent pain or debilitating pain that stops you in your tracks. …
ITS TIME FOR A CHANGE OF SCENERY Ready for some self-care and time around other yogis? Join us for a Yoga & Cultural Heritage Retreat in Guatemala 8 DAYS OF EXPLORATION WITH HEATHER HAXO PHILLIPS JANUARY 14 - 21, 2023 Villa Sumaya, Lake Atitlan - Guatemala Retreat highlights: Explore this incredible property: 8 days /…
Special Series: Yoga for Managing Pain with Kelly Sobanski Three Tuesdays: January 4, 11 and 18 from 4 - 5:30 pm PST Online on Zoom Use your membership, class pass OR drop-in for $22 Yoga can help you manage and cope with pain, whether it is consistent aches or debilitating pain that stops you in…
** Please contact us at if you'd like to be notified when we announce next Fundamentals for Seniors Program. 4 Session Series: January 23 - Feb 13 Sundays 11 am - 12:15 pm PST This 4-session series is specially designed for beginners to yoga who are 50+. It is held live-online via Zoom. You…
We're so grateful for our community! From the teachers who continue to show up and be a consistent pillar for us all, and to our students who make this work truly meaningful. If covid has taught us anything, it's to tell those who are dear to us just how much we love them...and we love…
Cooking with Your Instapot with Heather Haxo Phillips 4 - 5 pm pst Friday Feb 18th via zoom FREE as part of our student appreciation week! You may have already heard that the InstaPot is a Yoga Practitioners most important kitchen appliance. But how? Come cook dinner with Heather and learn all the tricks of…
Adeline Yoga is honored to welcome our teacher of teachers! The Petals of Yoga: Restorative Asana & Pranayama with Janet Macleod Saturday, March 5th : 2 - 4 pm PST on Zoom A Benefit Workshop for Adeline Yoga's Yoga Blessings Fund Mr. Iyengar called the 8 limbs of yoga the 8 petals of yoga. He…
Racism and Yoga Study Group Reading: Embrace Yoga's Roots: Courageous Ways to Deepen Your Yoga Practice by Susanna Barkataki This group will meet for 10 sessions over the course of 20 weeks Every other Tuesday at 7:15 to 8:30 pm PST on zoom As an embodied practice of liberation, yoga provides us with tools…
SPECIAL SERIES THREE SATURDAYS: March 26, April 2 and April 9 2 - 3:30 pm in-person at our studio in Berkeley Have you been wanting to learn more ways to use the ropes? On a basic level, the ropes create space in the body and can help make poses more accessible. On a deeper level,…
Yoga for Healthy Aging: Heart Health An online weekend immersion for all levels with Sarah Harvey, Deborah Saliby and Shari Ser April 1 - 3, 2022: Friday 4:30 - 6:30 pm PST / Saturday 10 - 4 pm PST / Sunday 11:30 am - 1:30 pm PST - ON ZOOM To maintain an open and…
Yoga for Lung Health, Heart Health & Immunity Saturday April 23rd 2 - 4:30 pm PST / 5 - 7:30 pm EST on zoom with Kelly Sobanski CIYT and Tony Hirsch, Respiratory Therapist In this workshop, Iyengar Yoga meets Respiratory health in an informative way for healing the immune system, enhancing respiratory function and…
Fridays 10 – 11:15 am PST starts April 29 On Zoom 4 Session Series: April 29 - May 20 This 4-session series is specially designed for beginners to yoga who are 50+. It is held live-online via Zoom. You will learn the foundations of Iyengar Yoga to help build strength and flexibility, develop your balance…
Parinama: 30 Days of Transformation Through Yoga & Ayurveda June 1 - 30th Harness the power of yoga, a healthy diet and lifestyle routines through Ayurveda. You know yoga, diet and lifestyle are important. What would happen if you combined them together for one powerful month? Reboot your eating habits to improve digestion and assimilation,…
Enhance Your Pranayama Practice for Intermediate Practitioners with Heather Haxo Phillips An on-going series: First and Third Friday of the month: May 20th June 3rd - last session before summer break. We will continue with this series in September! All classes are 7:15 - 8:15 am PST on zoom Pranayama is a deeply transformative…
Fun with Belts Saturday June 18th: 1 - 3 pm in-person at our studio in Berkeley with Sachiko Nishizawa Willis Belts are an essential part of the yoga practice in these times. They are so handy! You can easily grab a belt if you are new to yoga or need an aid for flexibility. And…
Yoga for Healthy Aging: Digestive Health An online weekend immersion for all levels with Sarah Harvey, Deborah Saliby and Shari Ser Friday thru Sunday: June 24-26, 2022 Friday 4:30 - 6:30 pm PST / Saturday 10 - 4:30 pm PST / Sunday 11:30 am - 1:30 pm PST ON ZOOM The pandemic has affected…
Tuesdays in person from 7:30 – 8:45 pm - starts July 5th! This 4-session series is specially designed for beginners. Over these four sessions you will learn the foundations of Iyengar Yoga. You will learn poses to help you build strength and flexibility. And you will learn how to make use of basic props that…
Sundays in person from 10:30 – 11:45 am - starts August 7 ! This 4-session series is specially designed for beginners. Over these four sessions you will learn the foundations of Iyengar Yoga. You will learn poses to help you build strength and flexibility. And you will learn how to make use of basic props…
TASTE OF SADHANA STUDIES COME GET A TASTE OF THE PROGRAM Saturday, August 20th, 2 - 3:30 pm PST - Held via zoom This is your opportunity to find out more about the Sadhana Studies program, and if it is right for you. In this special workshop, we will look at a few of the…
Hip Opening with Anneke Faas Sunday August 28, 12 – 2:30 pm, In-person with option to join via livestream Our lifestyles have changed dramatically in the last few years. Many of us are in need of methods that help us develop proper ways to sit and care for our hips. Asana can be so…
Celebrate autumn with twists! In-person immersion with Heather at Adeline Yoga in Berkeley September 16 - 18, 2022 Friday : 4 - 6 pm Saturday : 2 - 4:30 pm Sunday: 2 - 4:30 pm Register Here Join Heather for very special 3-Day immersion Our program will honor the seasonal transition to autumn by…
Adeline Yoga is honored to welcome our teacher of teachers! Delicious supine asanas with Janet Macleod Sunday, September 25th 2 - 4:30 pm in person at our Berkeley studio A Benefit Workshop for Adeline Yoga's Yoga Blessings Fund In supine asana, you are supported by the floor. You can hold the poses longer, thus getting…
Low Back Healing: Featuring the Double Buckled Belt with Kelly Sobanski Saturday October 1st from 2 - 4:30 pm PST via Zoom This healing sequence is inspired by the weekly Low Back Class at the Iyengar Yoga Institute in Pune, India. Kelly spent time observing the class over many months - and has been practicing…
Tuesdays in person from 7:30 – 8:45 pm - starts October 4! This 4-session series is specially designed for beginners. Over these four sessions you will learn the foundations of Iyengar Yoga. You will learn poses to help you build strength and flexibility. And you will learn how to make use of basic props that…
Preparation for Pranayama: 3 day Yoga & Pranayama Immersion with Kim Kolibri 3 Mornings of Practice: Wed October 12 - Friday October 14 at 7:00 AM - 8:00 AM PST. Online In this series we will look at the poses that are most helpful for preparing for pranayama. They include active poses and supportive,…
Yoga for Healthy Aging: Physical Balance and Emotional Stability A weekend immersion for all levels with Sarah Harvey, Deborah Saliby and Shari Ser offered online via zoom OCTOBER 28 – 30, 2022: FRIDAY 4:30 – 6:30 PM PDT SATURDAY 10 –NOON, and 2 – 4 PM PDT SUNDAY 11:30 AM – 1:30 PM PDT To…
Saturday, November 5 from 2 - 4:30 pm in person A Benefit Workshop for Adeline Yoga's Yoga Blessings Fund A special in-person workshop with Deborah Saliby using the rope wall. Do you feel you carry the weight of the world on your shoulders? There is indeed a lot resting on our shoulders - especially these…
Uplift Yourself with the Power of Backbends Sunday, December 4th: 1 - 3:30 pm PST In-person with option to join via livestream with Anneke Faas Backbends open the body and create joy. At the holiday season we need to harness the capacity to keep our hearts open and find the light within. Uplifting the spine…
Tuesdays 7:30 – 8:45 pm starts January 10! This 4-session series is specially designed for beginners. You will learn the foundations of Iyengar Yoga to help you build strength and flexibility and relieve stress. Designed for total beginners and students who want a better understanding of the foundational poses of Iyengar Yoga. All body types…
What makes Iyengar Yoga so wonderful? Join Ruchi Murlidhar and Inbal Meron for a community chit chat Monday, January 30th from 7:30 - 8:30 pm pst on zoom People who practice Iyengar Yoga love it so much? But why? What are the hallmarks of Iyengar Yoga and why would anyone want to practice it? YOU…
The Breath: How is it that we actually breathe? Join Shari Ser for a community chit chat Monday, Feb 27th from 7:30 - 8:30 pm pst on zoom Do you ever wonder about the physicality of our breath? Come learn about the intricate and beautiful dance between the diaphragm, the nasal passages, the lungs and…