Uplift Yourself with the Power of Backbends Sunday, December 4th: 1 - 3:30 pm PST In-person with option to join via livestream with Anneke Faas Backbends open the body and create joy. At the holiday season we need to harness the capacity to keep our hearts open and find the light within. Uplifting the spine…
Tuesdays 7:30 – 8:45 pm starts January 10! This 4-session series is specially designed for beginners. You will learn the foundations of Iyengar Yoga to help you build strength and flexibility and relieve stress. Designed for total beginners and students who want a better understanding of the foundational poses of Iyengar Yoga. All body types…
What makes Iyengar Yoga so wonderful? Join Ruchi Murlidhar and Inbal Meron for a community chit chat Monday, January 30th from 7:30 - 8:30 pm pst on zoom People who practice Iyengar Yoga love it so much? But why? What are the hallmarks of Iyengar Yoga and why would anyone want to practice it? YOU…
The Breath: How is it that we actually breathe? Join Shari Ser for a community chit chat Monday, Feb 27th from 7:30 - 8:30 pm pst on zoom Do you ever wonder about the physicality of our breath? Come learn about the intricate and beautiful dance between the diaphragm, the nasal passages, the lungs and…
We're so grateful for our community! The students often share how much Adeline Yoga is needed, wanted and appreciated in their lives. Through 1:1 conversations, email, social media and leaving us review - you let us know how vital our studio is for you. Community. Welcoming. Inclusive. Dedication. Fun. Integrity. Uplifting. These are the words…
Thursdays noon – 1:15 PST starts March 16 On Zoom 4 Session Series: March 16 - April 6 This 4-session series is specially designed for beginners. You will learn the foundations of Iyengar Yoga to help you build strength and flexibility and relieve stress. Designed for total beginners and students who want a better understanding…
Low Back & Hip Healing: Featuring Linear Poses with Kelly Sobanski Saturday March 25 from 2 - 4:30 pm PST via Zoom This healing program focuses on soothing the low back, sacrum, groins and hips. We will take a break from externally rotating the legs and instead do a sequence with linear, parallel legs.…
Decolonizing the Body: Book Chat with Author Kelsey Blackwell Friday April 21st @ 5 pm - 6:30 pm in person Join us for a discussion and Q&A with longtime Adeline Yoga Student Kelsey Blackwell about her just-released book, Decolonizing the Body: Healing, Body-Centered Practices for Women of Color to Reclaim Confidence, Dignity and Self Worth.…
Turning the Senses Inward In Your Practice with Michael Lucey April 22nd from 2 - 4:30 pm at our Berkeley studio, or attend via zoom In this workshop, we will practice a well-rounded sequence of āsanas in order to investigate this question: how the use of our senses in an inward fashion can lead to deeper yogic experiences.…
Introduction to Jyotish Join Kim Kolibri for a community chit chat Monday, April 24th from 7:30 - 8:30 pm pst on zoom Jyotish is the “science of light,” a profound and sophisticated form of astrology originating in the ancient Vedic traditions of India. Jyotish can be a tremendous support to you it because it describes…
Adeline Yoga is honored to welcome our teacher of teachers! Twisting & Untwisting with Janet MacLeod Saturday, April 29th 2 - 4:30 pm in person at our Berkeley studio A Benefit Workshop for Adeline Yoga's Yoga Blessings Fund Twisting in yoga is fascinating! There are Asanas which are twists, and there are ones which are…
Caring for Your Back Pain SPECIAL SERIES 3 SESSION SERIES: MAY 3, 10 & 17 in person at our Berkeley studio Wednesdays 4 – 5:30 pm starts May 3rd! with Sachiko Willis Even people who practice yoga have occasional back issues. They are common ailments of modern life. There are many ways to harness the…
TASTE OF SADHANA STUDIES GET A TASTE OF WHAT SADHANA CAN MEAN FOR YOU Saturday, JUNE 22ND, 2 - 4:30 pm PST - Held in person and via zoom This is your opportunity to delve into the concept of Sadhana, and consider if the Sadhana Studies program is right for you. In this special workshop,…
How does yoga develop mindfulness? Join Inbal Meron for a community chit chat Monday, June 26th from 7:30 - 8:30 pm pst on zoom One of the key benefits of practicing yoga is the cultivation of mindfulness, which is the state of being present and aware of one's thoughts, emotions, sensations and surroundings in…
Creativity in practice Join Kelly Sobanski for a community chit chat Sunday, July 23rd from 3:30 - 4:30 pm pst / 6:30 - 7:30 pm est on zoom Join us for a chit-chat with Kelly to talk about practice, creativity and helpful sequencing. You may be wondering, what are the important guidelines and structures…
Welcome to the serene redwoods FINDING FOCUS 4 DAYS IN NATURE YOGA RETREAT WITH HEATHER HAXO PHILLIPS July 25 - 28, 2024 Land of the Medicine Buddha In today's fast paced world, it is easy to lose your sense of self. Finding Focus is an in-person retreat designed to give you the opportunity…
Welcome to the serene redwoods FINDING FOCUS 4 DAYS IN NATURE YOGA RETREAT WITH HEATHER HAXO PHILLIPS July 27 - 30, 2023 Land of the Medicine Buddha In today's fast paced world, it is easy to lose your sense of self. Finding Focus is an in-person retreat designed to give you the opportunity…
We're so grateful for our community of members! It is a thrill to move to our new location. Let us gather as a community for these auspicious beginnings. Welcoming. Inclusive. Dedication. Fun. Integrity. Uplifting. These are the words that came from each of YOU. We want our new space be all of this - and…
Honoring BKS Iyengar: Lotus Pose Sunday, August 20th: 12:45 - 3:15 pm PST In-person with option to join via livestream with Anneke Faas Padmasana, also known as the Lotus Pose, is the supreme seat for meditation. It is associated with calmness, focus, and spiritual growth. Practicing this pose on August 20 is important! It marks…
Support the people and animals of Maui DONATE NOW We are offering a very special 3-pack of recordings: Hip Opening with Anneke Faas Yoga for Lung Health, Heart Health, and Immunity with Kelly Sobanski Back Extensions and L-Shaped Poses with Heather Haxo Philips As the season changes, you need support for a healthy body…
Saturday, September 16th from 2 - 4:30 pm in person A special in-person workshop with Deborah Saliby Celebrate our new studio and use our beautiful rope wall Back pain is often caused from too much sitting and standing with bad posture. Unhealthy habits build up over time. Simple stretches and particular movements along with strength…
How Ayurveda can help you during this seasonal transition Join Sandy Lamerson for a community chit chat Monday September 18 from 7:30 - 8:30 pm pst Free In this chit-chat we will discuss how best to transition from summer to autumn. Depending on where you live, the summer heat and sun can cause an increase…
Saturday, October 7 from 2 - 4:30 pm with Sachiko Willis There is really nobody in our modern culture who doesn't experience some neck and shoulder tension. When it is not addressed it can turn into a chronic problem that causes headaches, jaw tension and general discomfort. Sachiko will offer postures to help release current…
Weekend Immersion with Anneke October 20 - 22, 2023 Friday : 4 - 6 pm / Saturday : 2 - 5 pm / Sunday: 2 - 5 pm with Anneke Faas Join us for an enriching and rejuvenating weekend of yoga exploration with Anneke Faas. Adeline Yoga is delighted to host its inaugural in-house weekend…
The power of practice: 5 day Yoga Pranayama Immersion with Heather Haxo Phillips Monday - Friday: October 30 - Nov 3 7:15-8:15 am PST each day via Zoom Pranayama is a deeply transformative practice on all levels, physical and emotional. It is your time to find deep quiet and expansiveness inside. A daily pranayama practice…
What are the acts of yoga? Join Ruchi Murlidhar for a community chit chat Monday, October 30th from 7:30 - 8:30 pm pst on zoom In the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, the chapter on yogic practice opens with discussion about the acts of yoga. They include: zeal in practice, study of the self and surrender.…
A Weekend Workshop with Aaron Johnson and Holistic Resistance Saturday - Sunday: Nov 4 & 5, 2023 3 sessions over two days Join us to talk about race, identity and human connection. With an emphasis on personal relationship, this weekend will give you an opportunity to explore how our thoughts about race and racism affect…
Join us for a teachers practice! Aspiring, new and long-time teachers from around the region are invited to come enjoy our new space. We will practice together and sip tea in our gardens afterward. Hosted by Anneke Faas and the staff of Adeline Yoga
Thanksgiving Benefit Class: Community and Connection with Kelly Sobansky Thursday, November 23rd 9 - 10:15 am PST “When you and I meet together, we forget ourselves – our cultures and classes. There are no divisions, and we talk mind to mind, soul to soul. We are no different in our deepest needs. We are…
Join Ramona in celebration to honor the life and legacy of BKS Iyengar B.K.S. Iyengar has been widely recognized for bringing yoga to the west. The yoga he taught has been recognized for its precision, alignment, and use of props. While these are key aspects of Iyengar Yoga, there is so much more that allows…
Adeline Yoga is honored to welcome our teacher of teachers! Saturday, December 23, 2 - 4:30 pm Yoga for the Season A Benefit Workshop for Adeline Yoga's Yoga Blessings Fund As we move into the winter season, it is a time for turning inwards. Because of the ‘holidays’ many tend to do the opposite. There…
Digestive Reset: Clear stagnation and strengthen your inner fire Join us for a community chit chat and 3-day digestive reset led by Sandy Lamerson and Tiffany Goss Kicks off Monday January 29th Ayurveda calls the digestive system the "master system" of our body. When our digestive fire is optimal, we can joyfully eat and assimilate…
Digestive Reset: Clear stagnation and strengthen your inner fire Join us for a free community chit chat led by Sandy Lamerson Monday January 29th 7:30 - 8:30 pm Ayurveda calls the digestive system the "master system" of our body. When our digestive fire is optimal, we can joyfully eat and assimilate nourishing foods. That kind…
Ready for some downtime? Join us for a Yoga Retreat in Mexico 6 DAYS OF EXPLORATION WITH HEATHER HAXO PHILLIPS February 2nd - 7th, 2024 Casa Tara located on the shores of the Sea of Cortez on Mexico’s Baja Peninsula RETREAT IS FULL Our retreat includes: An incredible property: 6 days and 5 nights…
Yoga for the Knee Create Space & Alignment in Your Knee Joints with Ruchi Murlidhar February 24 from 2 - 4:30 pm Yoga can be an excellent solution to address many knee issues – helping you to manage pain, reduce inflammation and regain both your physical stability and mobility. This workshop will focus on alignment…
Develop a home practice that sticks! Join Kim Healey for a community chit chat Monday, Feb 26th from 7:30 - 8:30 pm pst Join us for a chit-chat with Kim about how to develop a practice outside of the yoga studio. Yes, you can develop a personal practice that sticks! Kim will lead a…
Join us for a Yoga Retreat in the Santa Cruz Mountains Ready for some self-care and time around other yogis? 3 DAYS OF RELAXATION WITH ANNEKE FAAS March 1 - 3, 2024 Land of the Medicine Buddha Join Anneke on a three-day retreat in the Santa Cruz mountains at the Land of the…
Building the Foundation of Inversions with Anneke Faas Sunday March 24th from 1 - 3:30 pm In-person with option to join via livestream Sirsasana (headstand) and Sarvangasana (shoulderstand) are the king and queen of asana. When done regularly, they increase circulation and vigor - unbeatable for draining tired feet and legs!. These poses create strength…
The two pillars of yogic development: practice and detachment Join Inbal Meron for a community chit chat Monday, March 25 from 7:30 - 8:30 pm pacific on zoom One of the key benefits of practicing yoga is how it helps us to calm the mind. Iyengar Yoga gives us many practices to develop this…
Vitality: 30 Days of Yoga & Ayurveda April 1 - 30th Transition to the spring season feeling motivated and in touch with the best version of yourself. You know daily routines, yoga, and diet are are important. What would happen if you combined them together for one powerful month? Explore nourishing practices and and foods…
Props for Sensitivity with Michael Lucey April 27th from 2 - 4:30 pm at our Berkeley studio Often we think the purpose of props is to make asanas more accessible. Props help us when we are faced with limitations or restrictions or injuries. That is very true. But props do other kinds of things as…
SPECIAL SERIES 3 Session Series: May 7, 14 and 21 Tuesdays 7:30 – 8:45 pm starts May 7! Join us at the studio in Berkeley or online via Zoom For many of us, the hips remain uncharted territory. Yet, freedom in the hips is essential to the health of our knees and low back. The…
Professional Development for CIYT to develop their skills and spend time together In this weekend we will explore "helping method" as it relates to the phase and stages of asana across our syllabi. The weekend will also include use of hands-on adjustments and deeper work on the use of props. May 10 - 12 in-person…
Saturdays 10:30 – 11:45 am PST starts May 11 On Zoom 4 Session Series: May 11, 18, 25 and June 1 This 4-session series is specially designed for beginners to yoga who are interested in a class for older adults. It is held live-online via Zoom. You will learn the foundations of Iyengar Yoga to…
For the Love of Intermediate States with Kelly Marie Sobanski Saturday May 18 from 2 - 4:30 pm PST via Zoom This workshop will give us a chance to practice the intermediate stages of poses with a sense of rejuvenation through movement, awareness and stability. Intermediate stages are the in-betweens of a pose, the break-downs…
Saturday, June 1st from 2 - 4:30 pm in person A special in-person workshop with Deborah Saliby It can help you experience stability, and give you opportunities to build your strength. The chair can make some postures more demanding because it encourages us to practice with true alignment. And, at the same time, it…
Bhagavad Gita Reading Group Join Kim Healey & Liam Dodson for a book group at our studio Mondays from 7:30 - 8:30 pm - July 1 through Aug 19 Deepen your yoga practice and self-study (svadhyaya) this summer with the Bhagavad Gita. This sacred text can be read as a riveting story, a devotional…
Saturday, July 13th from 2 - 4:30 pm with Sachiko Willis There is really nobody in our modern culture who doesn’t experience some neck and shoulder tension. It can turn into a chronic problem that not only causes headaches, jaw tension, etc, but also deeply affects our sense of well-being. Yoga practice can give us…
Guru Purnima Celebration Sunday, July 21st from 9 - 10:45 am PT on zoom with Heather Haxo Phillips Guru Purnima is a particularly auspicious time to express gratitude for spiritual teachers and holy beings that have positively affected us. To call someone a Guru is very special indeed. The term indicates the weight of their…
Yoga for Back Pain Create Space & Address Pain with Ruchi Murlidhar August 10th from 2 - 4:30 pm This is a workshop for anyone who feels occasional back pain due to stiffness, compression, posture and misalignment. Back pain is a regular ailment of modern life. There are many ways we can help you address…
9-MONTH YOGA EDUCATION PROGRAM YOGA STUDIES & APPRENTICESHIP NEXT PROGRAM STARTS SEPTEMBER 2024 Get Details & Apply Here DAILY, DEVOTIONAL, DISCIPLINE = SADHANA Sadhana Studies is for those who seek to deepen their connection to all the elements of the yoga practice. The program provides you with a complete immersion into the Iyengar Yoga…
Strong and Centered: A Beginner's Immersion A 3-Day Immersion Into Iyengar Yoga with Anneke Faas September 27 - 29 Friday : 5:30 - 7:30 pm / Saturday : 2 - 5 pm + dinner and a movie (going until about 7pm)/ Sunday: 1 - 4 pm Join us for an enriching and rejuvenating weekend of…
Yoga for Osteoporosis? Join Shari Ser for a community chit chat Tuesday October 1st from 6 - 7 pm pacific on zoom free Healthy bones help you move through the world with strength and confidence. Bones are our supporting structure, they hold us up and literally nurture and protect us. Bones are amazing! BUT if…
You are invited! Ribbon Cutting and Community Potluck Saturday October 5th at 4 pm. Come celebrate our 1 year anniversary in our new space. Join the members and staff of Adeline Yoga, the Chamber of Commerce and our City Officials to officially cut the ribbon. Anyone who is curious about Adeline yoga is invited to…
Introduction to Yoga for Osteoporosis with Shari Ser 4-session series Tuesdays 6 - 7:15 pm pacific on zoom October 8 15, 22 and 29th Healthy bones help you move through the world with strength and confidence. BUT if bones aren't stretched, moved and nourished they become brittle, less porous and prone to breaking easily. This…
Saturday, October 19th from 2 - 4:30 pm with Ramona Atanacio Dive into the empowering practice of arm balancing! Whether you're just starting to consider how you might do arm balances, or already love flying around the room, this workshop offers a unique opportunity to practice under expert guidance. We know a lot of you…
Cultivate Expansiveness: An Afternoon of Backbending with Anneke Faas Sunday Nov 3rd, 1:00-3:30pm Join us at the studio in Berkeley or online via Zoom Backbends are impressive to look at, though the reason why we love them is they give us a very special experience of introspection. The more advanced backbends take our consciousness inwards…
Thanksgiving Benefit Class: Community and Connection with Kim Healey In-Person Thursday, November 28th 9 - 10:30 am PST “When you and I meet together, we forget ourselves – our cultures and classes. There are no divisions, and we talk mind to mind, soul to soul. We are no different in our deepest needs. We…
Auspicious Beginnings: New Year's Day Practice Wednesday January 1st from 10 am - 1 pm PST Join Online OR in-person at our Berkeley Studio Join us to celebrate a new beginning. As we step into the freshness of New Year's Day, this workshop invites you to set the tone for your year ahead. With…
Saturday, January 4 from 2 - 4:30 pm in person A special in-person workshop with Deborah Saliby Use our rope wall to uplift yourself, get out of pain and learn how beneficial backbends can be January is a great time to get into the yoga studio and uplift yourself. This special workshop with Deborah will…