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Get Involved!



The students of Adeline Yoga are involved in nearly every aspect of our studio, from flower arranging to financial advising. We welcome the diverse talents and energy of the students at our studio!

Adeline Yoga offers many educational opportunities beyond our public classes. We offer in-depth workshops, host pot-lucks and movie nights, fundraise for organizations we love and volunteer in the farmers market and festivals around our neighborhood. These too require significant volunteer participation from our students in order to be successful.

If you have specific talents and interests in any realm, and want to get involved, please let us know by contacting

We also have a work-study program for those who want to get involved in an ongoing way. Work-study participants contribute a minimum of 2 – 4 hours per week in exchange for class and workshop credit.


Goals of Our Work-Study Program

  1. Build a deeper connection between Adeline Yoga and specific students
  2. Make public classes and workshops accessible to students
  3. Offer an experience of seva / selfless service
  4. Build the skills of our students
  5. Support our community and facilities. Increase the capacity of our studio.


Main Duties of the Work-Study Team

  • Check in students / Provide customer service
  • Data Entry
  • Clean studios and props
  • Put up fliers and schedules around town
  • Special event set-up and take-down
  • Marketing our classes – through fliers, social media, making videos, creating partnerships, etc.
  • Support a variety of administrative functions
  • Act as an Adeline Yoga representative to our community members


Requirements to Participate

  • You must be reliable, consistent, and responsible
  • You must be able to work comfortably and respectfully within our diverse community.
  • You must be friendly and welcoming
  • You must be able to clean our studio thoroughly and joyfully, comfortably using the cleaning products provided.

For more details and an application, please contact