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Why Easy Pace?

“Yoga teaches to cure what need not be endured and endure what cannot be cured.”~ BKS Iyengar  by Rebecca Haralabatos I began teaching the Iyengar Fundamentals 10 week series at the Adeline Yoga Studio a few years ago and am continually inspired, watching new students awaken to the  wisdom of this … [Read more...] about Why Easy Pace?

From the Periphery to the Core – and back: Ruminations on our National Iyengar Convention

Reflecting upon my experience at this 2016 Iyengar Convention, this theme of periphery to the core to the periphery and so on resonates on many levels. I have often felt slightly on the periphery when teachers describe studies in Pune and with the Iyengars. This initial study with Abhijata Sridhar … [Read more...] about From the Periphery to the Core – and back: Ruminations on our National Iyengar Convention