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Affordable Yoga


Everyone should be able to receive the benefits of the yoga practice. We are deeply committed to ensuring access to the transformative gifts of Iyengar Yoga to all people regardless of age, class, race, ability, sexual orientation or gender. Adeline Yoga is a refuge for everyone.

We put a premium on accessibility to yoga. It is built into all of our practices, physically, emotionally and financially.

If you can make the time for your yoga practice, Adeline is here to support you.


There are four ways we do this:

Memberships are the way to deep your connection to the studio, and pay as little as $10 per class depending on how often you want to attend. We have memberships that start at $69 a month.  If that is more than you can budget, our Yoga Blessings Fund may be able to help.  Scholarships details are here.

Work trade:  Our Seva Squad
We have a corps of dedicated students who contribute directly to the success of the studio through work trade. Our Seva Squad is a team of incredibly talented individuals. They are involved with all aspects of the studio, participating according to their skills and interests. Some clean the studio in exchange for classes. Others help put on events, cook, post fliers, register students and do other kinds of work that is critical to maintaining the health of the studio. We are actively looking to add new members to both our front desk and cleaning teams.  You can apply here.  To learn more about the Seva Squad opportunity, email

Yoga Blessings Fund
The Fund offers partial scholarships for workshops, memberships and longer programs such as Yoga for Life and Sadhana Studies. Current students and members of the community have donated classes and money to this fund in order to support others. Click here to make a one time donation.  Or click here to make a monthly re-occuring donation.

We built this fund to support current students if they lose a job or experience financial hardship. It is also for those who want a deeper yoga education, but cannot afford the full cost of memberships, workshops or our immersion programs. And, it is for newer students who cannot attend the community classes due to their schedule. Read more about the opportunity and apply here.

Community Classes

We have two in-person community classes each week:

  • Thursdays at 7:30pm PT – Foundations
  • Sundays at 5:00pm PT – Iyengar Yoga for BIPOC folks

We have one online community class each week:

  • Wednesdays 9 -10:15 am PT.  – Continuing Beginners (via Zoom)

All community classes are offered at a sliding scale rate of $1-$18,  class packs and monthly memberships can also be used. Register here.



We offer sliding scale in the spirit of equity and accessibility while inviting you to support our teachers and studio. If you can pay more, please do so.  This allows us to continue offering yoga to a large and diverse array of community members.

We recognize that the lower end of our pricing may still feel out of reach, or you may want to take classes beyond the Community Classes.  Our Yoga Blessings Fund provides this type of support. Contact for more info.