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In gratitude, here are 4 class recordings you can take whenever you want.

Download all 4 here

Sandy Lamerson

Restorative with Sandy Lamerson

Use this recording when you need to unwind or are looking for a good night sleep. Video is approximately 1 hour.

Enjoy Sandy’s Class

Kim Kolibri

Pranayama with Kim Kolibri

Interested in learning different breathing techniques with asanas? Kim brings together the power of yoga with your breath for a deepen yoga practice. Video is approximately 1 hour.

Enjoy Kim’s Class

Heather Haxo Phillips Headshot

Level II with Heather Haxo Phillips

Enjoy this active practice with Heather. Practice back extensions on the floor and with a chair. Video is approximately 1 1/2 hours.

Enjoy Heather’s Class

Anneke Faas Headshot

All Levels with Anneke Faas

Enjoy this active practice with Anneke. Practice various asanas for upper arm, chest and shoulder strength. Video is approximately 1 1/2 hours.

Enjoy Anneke’s Class