Friday – Sunday: August 23 – 25, 2019
Join us to talk about race, identity and human connection. With an emphasis on personal relationship, this weekend will give you an opportunity to explore how our thoughts about race and racism affect our individual selves and communities. Using small-group work and active listening exercises, participants will gain confidence embracing the unknown, unfamiliar and difficult issues in our lives such as race and racism.
This workshop aims to:
Friday: 6 – 8 pm: Sitting With Discomfort – Unraveling Racism and Oppressive systems as Healing Work
In order to understand racism, we must be able to sit where it enters into our own hearts and minds. This session blends “seated practice” with a deep inquiry around unraveling the unconscious patterning within us. We will build resilience as we undo the oppressive systems from the inside out. Unraveling the fabric of racism is not just challenging work, it is is healing work. Real healing happens when we identify where we really are and start from there.
Saturday 1 – 5 pm and Sunday 12:45 – 3:15 pm: What Gets in the Way of Dismantling Racism?
These sessions will explore the barriers within us and around us that keep us from showing up for racial justice. White people are often times afraid to show up “where they are” in fear of causing unnecessary pain to people of color / people of global majority. We will unpack the assumption that as a white person you can reach for people of color and not cause any harm. Harm has already been caused and harm will continue to happen. There are skillful ways that we can invite white people into this work. Instead of shrinking back into white privilege, we will do the important work getting connected to the process. In this workshop, you will learn techniques for self-care and community care.
What You Can Expect:
Holistic Resistance has been bringing practice and action together in communities across the country. With an emphasis on personal relationship and closeness, we aim to build life-long connections and transformation. Our approach in these workshops combines deeply honoring the healing power of yoga and disrupting the unconscious patterns of racism in our communities and individual selves.
Oppression affects people of color on all levels of life. Holistic Resistance is drawn to practices that support all levels of life such as yoga. Yoga practitioners have a felt-sense in their bodies of what it can be like to sit with discomfort, to commit to a practice, to explore the yamas and niyamas on a deeply personal level. This weekend is an opportunity for us to gather as yogis and explore how we can use our existing tools to benefit ourselves and our community. You are welcome to come to any and all of the sessions over this special weekend.
This workshop is for anyone who is interested in the intersection of yoga and social justice. It is for people who are already in the yoga community and for folks who have not had as much exposure to yoga yet. Aaron and Jennie are committed to making all sessions accessible, trauma-informed, and effective for all levels of students.
This workshop is geared towards white-identified and white-skinned people. AND, all racial identities are welcome. People of color are at the center of our care in spaces where white people are working on undoing their racism. This is one of the many ways we model how to resist holistically. Aaron and Jennie invite every person of color to have a one-on-one conversation with them prior to the workshop to make sure they are being thought about the entire time they are present in our workshops.
“Yoga is firstly for individual growth, but through individual growth, society and community develop.”
– B.K.S. Iyengar
Whole Weekend: $195
Sliding scale is available at $150 – $195.
For sliding scale, please register directly with the studio by emailing
You are welcome to come to any or all of the sessions.
Fri and Sun Sessions: $60 / Saturday Session $95
Sliding scale for drop-in will be $50-95. For sliding scale, please register directly with the studio by emailing
All are encouraged to attend regardless of ability to pay. Need help registering? Email us directly to
About Aaron Johnson (he/him)
Aaron is an earth builder, a teacher of closeness, and an activist. He graduated from the California Institute of the Arts in 2007 with a Bachelors of Fine Arts. Aaron uses intimacy to dismantle racism. He has made a lifelong commitment to use the skills he possess to end racism. The tools he frequently uses for that end are speaking, teaching, closeness to blackness, and minimalism. Deep connection is one of the most powerful tools one can use in dismantling racism.
Aaron’s goal is to help white people slow down their reality enough to see blackness, primarily through the use of deep questions. He also uses questions as a lens that white people can use to look at themselves and see how their own wounds and trauma from racism are stopping them from being close to black people. He is a firm believer that if you cannot get close to black people, you cannot be a true advocate for them. Being close to blackness is the revolution. Read more at
About Jennie Pearl (she/her)
Jennie is an anti-oppression facilitator, yoga teacher, and bodyworker, bridging the gap between social justice and healing. She believes relationship is key to dismantling oppressive systems. Jennie aims to build bonds with other white folks and invite them to stay in the fight for justice and equity for a lifetime.
She is the founder of Wake Up, a group for white-identified people to unlearn racism, unpack privilege, and untangle white supremacy from the inside out. They explore how yoga and meditation can help them commit to and sustain the work without spiritual bypassing or diminishing racial justice. Jennie collaborates with a core team of facilitators at Holistic Resistance, whose mission is to build connection as the foundation of all of their work.